Sex-role stereotypes and Androgyny

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  • Sex-role stereotypes and Androgyny
    • Sex-role stereotypes
      • society has expectations on how men and women should behave
        • such expectations are referred to as 'stereotypes' - a fixed belief about a particular group of people
      • a set of shared expectations within a social group about what men and women think and do
      • a sex-role stereotype is learned from birth as children are exposed to attitudes of their parents and others in their society
    • Androgyny
      • a concept  that we can be both masculine and feminine
        • an idea that contrasted with the traditional view that masculine and feminine behaviours are separate
      • Bem argued you should feel able to take on behaviours that suit your personality
        • e.g. a man who wants to look like a female and be gentle should not have to restrict his personality because it is not a 'manly' behaviour
      • measuring androgyny
        • BSRI (1970s): Bem Sex Role Inventory
          • developed by asking 100 American undergrads which personality traits they thought were desirable for men and women
            • narrowed down to 20 males traits and 20 female traits
            • masculinity score, feminine score and androgyny score (high ratio of masculine to feminine traits)
              • Spence et al pointed out that Bem had not distinguished between people who are androgynous (high in both masculine and feminine traits) or where they were low in both
    • Gender Schema Theory
      • Bem reformulated her approach
      • an androgynous person,when faced with a decision as to how to behave in a particular situation, responds indifferently of any gender concept
    • Evalution
      • Smith and Lloyd (1978)
        • babies dressed in unisex snow suits and were given names that either matched their true gender or went against it
        • found that babies were given toys that matched their gender of name
          • squeaky hammer = masculine toy, doll & squeaky bambi = feminine, squeaky pig & rattle = neutral
      • Prakesh et al (2010)
        • tested 100 married females in India on:
          • masculinity, femininity (personal attribute scale)
          • various measures related to health, physical health, depression, anxiety and perceived stress
            • females with high masculinity score had lower levels of depression
              • this supports the view that androgyny has a psych protective effect because those with masculinity and femininity were better off in terms of their health
            • females with high femininity score had higher levels of depression
      • Real world application
        • Issue with society is they do not know the difference between sex and gender
  • developed by asking 100 American undergrads which personality traits they thought were desirable for men and women
    • narrowed down to 20 males traits and 20 female traits
    • masculinity score, feminine score and androgyny score (high ratio of masculine to feminine traits)
      • Spence et al pointed out that Bem had not distinguished between people who are androgynous (high in both masculine and feminine traits) or where they were low in both




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