Secularisation 1

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  • secularisation
    • Secularisation in Britain
      • Religious Affiliation has also had a major decline
        • Religious affiliation is a persons membership or identification with a religion
        • the BSA = between 1983 and 2014, the percentage of adults who identified as religious declined by a third
        • the number of Anglicans between 1983 and 2014 near enough halved.
      • Power and significance of religious organisations have decreased
        • As the state took over what the church once had such as education
        • A BBC survey = in 2005 over half of secondary schools were not participating in collective worship
        • the clergy are also becoming an ageing workforce as there is a lack of replacements from the younger gen
      • Significant decline in church attendance in the last 70 years
        • Penman has found an increase in bogus baptisms
        • it has fallen from 40% in 1851 to between 10-15% in the 1960s
    • Rationalisation
      • WEBER suggested that new rational ways of thinking are replacing religious ones
      • The protestant reformation undermined religious worldview of the middle age which has replaced it with a more scientific worldview
      • medieval catholic worldview saw the world as an enchanted/magical garden.
    • Disenchantment
      • protestant reformation brought a new worldview which saw god as existing above the outside world
      • the world has been disenchanted and left to run according to the laws of nature
      • from WEBER
    • A Technological Worldview
      • BRUCE argues that this has replaced religious explanations on WHY things have happened.
      • religious world views only survives in areas where technology is least effective
    • Structural Differentiation
      • from Parsons
      • process that occurs with industrialisation
      • religion has become smaller and a more specialised institution
    • Social and Cultural diversity
      • pre industrial society brings about the decline of a community and in turn, religion.
      • when religion lost stable communities, it lost its strength over its individuals
    • WHAT IS IT ?
      • the process through which religion declines over time
  • Significant decline in church attendance in the last 70 years
    • Penman has found an increase in bogus baptisms
    • it has fallen from 40% in 1851 to between 10-15% in the 1960s


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