
  • Created by: CPev3
  • Created on: 29-12-18 18:30
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  • Sacraments
    • 3) Eucharist/ Holy Communion
      • Body and blood of Christ. Receive God's grace.
        • Roman Catholic Mass
          • Confess sins at beginning. Bible readings, sermons and prayers. Nicene Creed recited. Bread and wine consecrated at altar. Lord's Payer recited. Receive consecrated bread. Ends with blessing and dismissal.
            • Transubstantiation- bread and wine are invisibly transformed into actual body and blood of Jesus.
        • Protestant the Lord's Supper
        • Orthodox Divine Liturgy
          • Bread and wine consecrated on altar behind Royal Doors (iconostasis) by dividing bread into four and saying the Eucharist Prayer. Bible readings sermon and prayers said. Cherubic hymn sung. Baptised members receive bread and wine from silver chalice on spoon. At end fourth slice of bread shared and take home.
            • Resist attempts at precise definition of what happens at consecration of bread, but believe that Christ is mystically and truly present.
      • During the Last Supper, the night before Jesus died, Jesus told his disciple to drink his body and blood as a sign of the new relationship between God and all believers.
    • 1) Baptism
      • Entry into Church. Cleansed from Original Sin. Gifts from Holy Spirit. Rebirth.
        • Infant Baptism
          • Baby immersed/ held over font- remove original sin. "I baptise you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit". Anointed with 2 oils- salvation and strength to fight evil. Clothed in white- purity. Candle lit- received light of Christ. Parents/ godparents promise to raise baby within Christian faith.
            • Cons
              • Should be baby's choice to submit to Christ and accept Christian faith- might resent promises made on their behalf later on. Does'nt make sense to clean sin from a baby. Meaningless practice that just names the child.
            • Pros
              • Comforts parent of babies who are unlikely to survive. Child receives 7 gifts of Holy Spirit which are essential for spiritual growth.
        • Believer's Baptism
          • Immersed in river, bath or lake- remove sin. Trinitarian formula. Clothed in white- new life. Testimony (state why seeking baptism). Down one set up steps- end of old life of sin. Up another set of steps- start of new life as Christian.
            • Pros
              • Jesus was baptised as an adult. Know what you are doing. Can be fully committed to their decision. Baptism will mean much more to them.
        • In Matthew 3:16 Jesus was baptised by John the Baptist in he River Jordan.
          • A dove was present, symbolic of peace and the Holy Spirit. Shows how God is present during the sacraments.
          • God was present and said "this is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased".
    • 2) Confession
      • Confession. Contrition (remorse). Penance (action or prayer). Absolution (forgiveness).
    • 5A) Marriage
      • God present. Promises. God's blessing.
    • 4) Confirmation
      • Renew vows. Strengthen ties to Church and God.
    • 5B) Holy Orders
      • Ordained. Commitment.
    • 6) Anointing of the sick
      • Oil of the sick. Holy Spirit. Faith and strength to cope with and accept their suffering. Forgiveness and healing.
    • Outward signs of grace instituted by Christ (in other words, rituals introduced by God that you must do to show your commitment to Him).
      • Christians such as Roman Catholics, Anglicans and Orthodox Christians only believe in baptism and the Eucharist as they're the only two authorised by Jesus in the Bible.
      • Christians such as Quakers and the Salvation Army don't carry out sacrament as they believe they are unnecessary symbols for inward acceptance of God's grace.
  • Anyone can attend. Participants gather at front of Church. Gospel story of the Last Supper read. Bread and wine shared, or some people are blessed instead. Lord's Prayer recited. Hymns sung.
    • Anglicans believe bread and wine just have spiritual presence of Christ. Methodists believe Eucharist is just a memorial and bread and wine are symbolic of Jesus' death which brought salvation.
    • Protestant the Lord's Supper




User has a good eye for presentation. Nice clear colour coded layout. Nice. 

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