Rules of Language and Examples

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  • Rules of Language
    • Rules to interpret the language used in an Act
    • Looking at how other words in the Act affect the meaning of the disputed word or phrase
    • The Ejusdem Generis Rule
      • Eg. An Act uses the phrase 'hamsters, dogs, cats and other animals' and the animal in question is a tiger
      • Not included in general words
        • Eg. An Act uses the phrase 'hamsters, dogs, cats and other animals' and the animal in question is a tiger
    • Expressio Unius Exclusio Alterius
      • E.g An Act states that it specifically applies to 'hamsters, dogs and cats' and the animal in question is a tiger
      • Tiger not included in specific words
        • E.g An Act states that it specifically applies to 'hamsters, dogs and cats' and the animal in question is a tiger
    • Noscitur A Sociis
      • Eg. An Act mentions 'tigers, cages and food' and the food in question is domestic cat food.
        • Not included because 'domestic cat food' wouldn't be given to tigers because they are not 'domestic' animals-context of wild animals
          • Noscitur A Sociis
            • Eg. An Act mentions 'tigers, cages and food' and the food in question is domestic cat food.
              • Not included because 'domestic cat food' wouldn't be given to tigers because they are not 'domestic' animals-context of wild animals


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