Rosenhan Evaluation

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  • Rosenhan (1973) Evaluation
    • Generalisability
      • diagnostic tool, DSM may not generalise to ICD and 12 hospitals is a small sample for a country as large as USA
      • used range of 12 hospitals across 5 states, using private and state funded, old and new, well-funded and under-funded
      • there has been lots of progress since the 1970s such as the DSM-II used then has been updated to DSM-5 which requires 2 symptoms and present for 6+months so may be time-locked
    • Reliability
      • standardised procedures e.g. words 'hollow', 'empty', 'thud' enable replication in 12 different states, meaning high re-test reliability
      • Rosenhan trained his pseudos before, but 9th pseudo was not included as he didnt follow the standardised procedures. one had a romantic relationship with a nurse.
    • Applications
      • highlights how patients conditioned to behave certain way which depends on environment e.g. nurses assume boredom means anxiety. if environment doesn't allow for normal behaviour, patients won't be seen as normal
      • shows how labelling is powerful as anything patients do or say will be interpreted as the label given
    • Validity
      • high ecological validity and mundane realism as field experiments are in natural setting, meaning there are less demand characteristics
      • Kety (1974) argues that if pseudos are faking an unreal mental condition, how will this reflect real patients' diagnosis?
      • Spitzer (1976) found in his hospital and 12 others, that only a few patients a year are given 'schizophrenia- in remission', showing how the diagnosis was a reflection of unusual behaviour, rather than not detecting the insane.
    • Ethics
      • Rosenhan took precautions to ensure his researchers safety by informing chief and manager of hospital  and preparing lawyers for them each
      • staff were decieved about symproms and not able to give consent or withdraw, along with patients who were also caused distress as they suspected they were reporters
      • issues of crisis of public confidence as patients who really needed the resources were prevented from access
  • used range of 12 hospitals across 5 states, using private and state funded, old and new, well-funded and under-funded


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