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  • Respiration
    • aerobic
      • glucose
        • C  H   O
        • food
          • blood
            • digestive system
          • sugar
            • also stored as glycogen
              • muscles
                • during exercise
        • 17kJ/g
      • oxygen
        • air
        • breathing
          • excretion
            • inhale/exhale
          • lungs
        • 6O
      • carbon dioxide
        • by-product
        • 6CO
        • water is also a by-product
          • humid
      • energy
        • more than anaerobic
        • uses
          • digestion
          • temperature regulation
          • active transport
          • synthesis reactions
      • mitochondria
        • organelle
      • exothermic
        • warm
    • anaerobic
      • lactic acid
        • muscles
          • oxygen debt
            • panting
            • break down lactic acid
              • using oxygen
              • into water + carbon dioxide
        • bacteria forming yoghurts
      • ethanol
        • yeast
          • bread
          • alcohol
      • energy
        • less than aerobic
        • used during fast exercise


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