Resistance to Social Influence

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  • Resistance to Social Influence
    • Locus of control
      • Rotter 1966
        • Aim
          • Investigate Internal and External LOC
        • Method and design
          • Review Article
        • Sample
          • 6 pieces of research into individual perceptions on ability to control outcomes based on reinforcement
        • Findings
          • Participants who were given control over situations = show behaviours  would enable them to cope with potential threats.
          • Compared with those participants who thought that chance or other non-controllable forces determined the effects of their behaviour.
        • Conclusion
          • Rotter concluded that an individuals  LOC would affect many behaviours.
        • Evaluation
          • Reductionist
            • fails to consider wider factors such as a person's mood or the impact of others
          • Determinism
            • argues that actions are down to our LOC
          • Useful
            • when paired with CBT to change a person's LOC
          • Methodology
            • study used secondary sources and so issues from those studies may have translated into the Rotter stud
      • Internal and External
        • Internal
          • Make things happen
          • Less conforming/ obedient
            • More independent
            • Better at resisting social influences to conform
          • great deal of personal control over their behaviour
            • More likely to take responsibility for their actions
        • External
          • Things happen to you
            • Result of luck or external influences
          • More susceptible to social influence
            • More likely to conform
    • Social Support
      • perception that we have assistance/ backing from other people
      • Asch variation
        • presence of a dissident (confederate that did not conform)
          • decrease in conformity levels
          • made true participant feel more confident
            • in own decision
            • in rejecting the majority position
      • Breaks unanimity
      • Milgram variation
        • two other participants (confederates) were teachers
          • refused to obey
          • Confederate 1 - stopped at 150volts
          • Confederate 2 - stopped at 215volts
        • Presence of others rejecting authority figure dropped obedience to 10%


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