reseach into celeb stalking

  • Created by: hmarks62
  • Created on: 11-02-15 12:11
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  • Research into celebrity stalking
    • Violence
      • Most important factor is the nature of the prior relationship. Closer = higher chance
        • Findings show 56% ex-intimates were physically harmed by stalkers  compared to 36% estranged friends or relatives and 8% strangers.
      • Stalkers with a psychiatric diagnosis are actually less likely  to resort to violence, and people with personality disorders are no more likely than other stalkers.
      • Celeb stalkers may have increased risk of violence due to the perceived closeness between them due to parasocial relationships
    • Motives
      • ISSUE BASED -  Personal dispute, gaining access to children
      • AGGRESSION BASED - anger, revenge, control, possession
      • DISABILITY BASED - Substance abuse, mental illness
      • INTIMACY BASED  - Obsession, dependency, reconciliation
    • Processes leading to stalking - Relational Goal pursuit theory
      • (2) When an individual is thwarted in attainment of a higher order goal they engage in rumination (persistent  unpleasant  thoughts of distress) and emotional flooding (intense negative emotions)
      • (1) Goals in life are in a hierarchy and we're motivated to achieve higher order goals more than lower order, so we devote more effort to them.
        • Goal linking occurs, when a person believes a lower order is essential to achieving a higher order goal e.g. having a particular relationship is needed to achieve happiness. This places huge importance on the relational goal
      • (3) Successful  achievement of the relational goal is seen as the only way to relieve the rumination and flooding, so there is increased motivation to do so. Often a misconception of the victims behaviour as encouraging, and the pursuit becomes  obsessive
      • Dutton-Greene (2004): of people who had ended a romantic relationship, those who engaged in the most pursuit experienced the most rumination anger and jealousy.
    • Who becomes a stalker?
      • Certain personality traits - stalkers are often: Low on agreeableness and conscientiousness and moderately high in neuroticism
      • The more common 'simple' stalking type is caused by a previous personal relationship
      • Pre-occupied attachment style: Have a negative self model and positive other model, so actively seek approval from others. They may attempt stalking because they feel contact with celebs indicates they are valued in an attempt to improve their negative self view
      • 1/3 have a 'love obsession , suffering from delusional thoughts (may have schizo). Unable to develop a normal  relationships to create fantasy love interests with celebrities, and may attempt to act out these  fantasies in real life, leading to stalking


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