Interpretivists Vs Positivists

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  • Research Methods
    • Positivism and research methods
      • An approach in sociology that believes society can be studied using similar scientific techniques to those used in the natural sciences, such as physics, chemistry, and biology
      • Examples of positivist approaches might be studies of whether people in some social classes achieve poorer exam results than other classes, by looking at social facts like statistics on education
      • Positivists use quantitative data to test their ideas
    • Interpretivism and research methods
      • Interpretivists believe that, because peoples behaviour is influenced by interpretationsand meanings they give to social situations, the researcher's task is to gain an understanding of these interpretations and meanings, and how people see and understand the world.
      • Examples might be studies of whether people in some social classes tolerate or dismiss ill-health more than those in other classes, they prefer using interviews and observations, in contrasts to statistics which positivists use.
      • Interpretivists use qualitative data to test their ideas.


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