Religious Market Theory

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  • Religious Market Theory
    • Stark & Bainbridge (1986)
      • Very critical of secularisation theory - see it as Eurocentric
      • Argue there was no 'golden age' of religion in the past, as secularisation theory implies
      • They propose the religious market theory
    • This theory is based on two assumptions
      • People are naturally religious & religion meets human needs
        • Therefore overall demand of religion remains constant
      • It is human nature to seek rewards & avoid costs
        • When people make choices they way up costs & benefits
    • Compensators
      • Religion is attractive because it provides compensators
        • When real rewards are unobtainable, religion compensates by promising supernatural ones
      • Non-religious ideologies don't provide credible compensators because they don't promise supernatural ones
      • The Cycle of Renewal
        • Concept of a cycle of religious decline, revival & renewal
          • Describes a cycle where some religions decline & others grow
      • Religious Competition
        • Churches operate like companies selling goods in a market
        • Competition leads to improvement in the quality of religious 'goods' on offer
        • Churches that make their goods attractive will succeed in attractive more 'customers'
    • America vs Europe
      • Believe religion thrives in USA because there's never been religious monopoly there
        • The Consitution guarantees freedom of religion & the separation of church & state - always been variety of religions to choose from
          • Encouraged growth of healthy religious market
      • Most European countries have been dominated by official state church which has religious monopoly
        • Competition has held back & lack of choice has led to decline
    • Criticisms
      • Bruce (2011) rejects view that diversity & competition increase demand for religion
        • Statistics show diversity has been accompanied by religious decline in in both Europe & America
      • Norris & Inglehart (2011) shows that high levels of religious participation exist in Catholic countries where the church has a near monopoly
      • Beckford criticises RMT as unsociological because it assumes people are naturally religious & fails to explain why they make the choices they do




Religious market theory is a type of business management that integrates religious variables into the market analysis and decision-making processes. We are providing you" for your latest mortgage review. Religious variables are those variables that are companies' most important assets. Market factors such as shortage, competition and demand for a specific product or service are analyzed in order to get insight into religious market factors.

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