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  • Reference back
    • Overview: Son comes back to visit mother but seen more as a duty, feels its a waste time, mum looks forward to it. Not happy to be home.
    • Themes: time and its passing, journeys and visits, loneliness, relationships, memories, women, family, everyday events.
    • 'That was a pretty one'= mum trying to engage in convo, tying to impress him, knows nothing about the music.
    • 'Riverside blues'= jazz, reminds him of Chicago, doesn't want to be home, everything unsatisfactory.
    • 'Sudden bridge'= music makes a bridge her old age and his prime.
    • 'We are not suited to long the perspectives'= thinking ahead, long term relationships are unsatisfactory.
    • 'Link us to our losses'= heart ache regrets, long term relationships.
    • Last line: doesn't matter what actions we take it makes no difference.


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