Reasons for protecting coastlines

  • Created by: Revisonf
  • Created on: 06-01-14 19:08
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  • Reasons for protecting coastlines
      • Loss of tourism- flooding and erosion can out people off visit. Businesses that rely on tourism may have to shut down.
      • Businesses that are located near cliff that are eroding are at the risk of collapsing into the sea. Costal flooding can damage business premises to which they have to relocate, repair or shut down.
      • Damage agriculutral ladn because seawater has high salt levels and this reduces fertility in soil. Overall, this means that crop production can decrease which has an effect on farmers' livlihood.
      • Property prices can fall if they are more prone to flooding, also people may not be able to get their houses insured.
    • SOCIAL:
      • Deaths have occurred in coastline flooding before.
      • Water supplies are affected because floodwater can pollute drinking water with salt or sewage.
      • Loss of housing - many people become homeless after they houses collapse
      • Damage to infrastructure - it can ruins local roads.
      • Ecosystems may be affected - the salt in the water can affect trees and plants' uptake. Also, it can kill organisms by high salt content or even drowning.
      • Some SSSIs are affected - these are sites of specific scientific interest.


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