Realistic Conflict theory

  • Created by: debbieoxt
  • Created on: 13-05-18 17:01
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  • Realistic Conflict theory
    • Sherif's theory explains prejudice as arising from conflict between groups, negative prejudice and stereotypes. This may be caused by a conflict of interest or as a result of competition between groups for resources, dominance or land.
    • It results in in-group favouritism and out-group bias.
    • When groups need to work together for a superordinate goal, there is a reduction in hostility and harmony between groups.
    • Robber's cave experiment (classic study)
      • 22, 11 year old boys took part in the study - middle class from Protestant families from schools in Oklahoma, USA.
      • In-group favouritism - stage 1 - this phase involves the experimental creation of in-groups through activities that will promote group identification and bonding.
        • No evidence of conflict within the groups because they knew that they belonged to the same team, had the same goals and nothing to compete for
      • Friction phase - stage 2 - this phase involves bringing two groups into conflict with each other or forming intergroup tension e.g. camp tournament.
        • Conflict was present when the two groups were against each other. There was name calling, winners bragging about their success and they refused to eat with each other.
      • Integration phase - stage 3 - this phase involves bringing the two previously conflicting groups into cooperation through the attainment of superordinate goals e.g. fixing water tank which provided water to both groups.
        • When the conflicting groups were given the same problem to solve, they learned how to work with each other. They fixed the water supply together and all contributed money for the movie that they wanted to see. They were eating together and decided to travel together in the same bus.
      • Conclusion - this supports RCT in the sense that prejudice could be brought about through competition for resources. The introductions of superordinate goals had an impaction reducing negative out-group bias because it removed competition.


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