Prime Minister

  • Created by: Aaron_ZR
  • Created on: 01-02-22 17:51
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  • Prime Minister
    • Becoming Prime Minister
      • They must be a Party Leader
        • Prime ministers are appointed as a result of being elected as leader of their parties
      • Prime Ministers must be MPs
        • All prime ministers sit in the House of Commons
      • His or Her Party usually has majority control of the House of Commons
        • Most leave office as a result of election defeats
        • Most prime ministers come to power as result of general election victories
          • Except hung parliaments
    • Role of the Prime Minister
      • Making Govts
        • The power to hire and fire cabinet members and other ministers
          • Control over careers of their MPs and peers
        • PMs are appointed by the queen
          • The PM appoints all members of the govt.
      • Managing Cabinet System
        • Chairs cabinet meetings
        • Sets up and staffs cabinet committees
        • Determines their number and their length
      • Providing national leadership
        • The PM's authority is based on public approval
        • Most important during national crisis and war or major events
      • Controlling parliament
        • Controls the lower chamber
          • Limited in the event of a hung government
      • Organising govt
        • Responsible for the structure and organisation of government
          • Setting up, reorganising and abolishing government departments
          • Responsible for the civil service
      • Directing Govt Policy
        • Central figure of core executive
          • Core executive is an informal network of bodies and actors that play a key role in the policy process
        • Sets the overall direction of government policy and defines its strategic goals
          • The prime minister can interfere in any aspect of policy


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