Pressure in fluids

This is for students of the higher tier exams

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  • Pressure in fluids
    • Gas pressure and volume
      • For a fixed mass of gas at constant temperature:
        • Its pressure is  increases if its volume is decreased
        • reducing the volume of a gas increases the number of molecular impacts per second on the surfaces that are in contact with the gas
      • Use the equation pV=constant if the mass and tempertaure of the gas don't change (Boyle's law)
      • The tempertaure of a gas can increase if it's compressed rapidly because work is done on it and the energy isn't transferred quickly anough to its surroundings
        • =Higher tier
    • Pressure at a surface
      • Pressure is the force normal to a surface /area of the surface
      • Pressure p=F/A
      • The unit of presure is the pascal (Pa), which is equal to 1N/m(squared)
      • The force F or area A can be calculated by rearranging the pressure equation
        • F=pA
        • A=F/p
    • Pressure in a fluid
      • The pressure in a liquid increases with increasing depth
      • A liquid flows until the pressure along the ame horizontal level is constant
      • The greater the density of a lquid, the greater the pressure in the liquid
      • The pressure p due to the column of height h of liquid of density p is given by the equation p=hpg
    • Atmospheric pressure
      • Air molecules collide with surfaces and create pressure on them
      • Atmospheric pressure decreses with higher altitude because there is less air above a given altitude than there is at a lower altitude
      • The density of the atmosphere decreases with increasing altitude
      • The force on a flat object due to a pressure difference = the pressure difference x the area of the flat surface
    • Upthrust
      • The upthrust on an object in a fluid:
        • Is an upward force on the object due to the fluid
        • Is caused by the pressure of the fluid
      • The pressure at a point in a fluid depends on the density of the fluid and the deth of the fluid at the point
      • An object sinks if its weight is greater than the upthrust on it when its fully submerced
      • An object floats oif its weight is equal to the upthrust


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