Pressure Groups January 2013

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  • Pressure Groups January 2013
    • a) Describe two ways in which pressure groups romite political participation
      • Pressure groups aim to cirulate infromation which will educate and infrom the public which will make them inclined to participate
      • They encourage members of the public to vote in elections to support a political party which may endorse the pressure groups views
      • They organise protest to raise awareness and secure participation to make the public aware of political issues and make them inclined to be involved in a cause
      • They actively campaign to raise funds and secure financial participation from the public
      • They can use direct action to raise awareness and secure political participation
    • b) Explain three reasons why pressure groups activity may undermine democracy
      • Pressure groups themselves have very undemocratic process for policy forulation and office selection
      • They may take direct ation which harms peoples lives
      • They may take illegal action against democratic principles
      • Some pressure groups on account of their wealth or status may secure an undemocratic advantage over other groups
      • Their activity may create hyper pluralism which may frustrate democractic decision making
    • c) To what extent is the success of pressure groups a reflection of their level of public support
      • Successful
        • Pressure groups are successful when the public supports the cause and endorse support such as the campaign to secure settlement for the Ghurkas
        • Governments oten act when public support is on the side of the pressure group such as the campaign to prevent the sell off of the Forestry Commission
        • Certain causes such as the environment animal and child welfare enjoy success as their causes motivate publis support on a large scale
      • Unsuccessful
        • Governments have ignored large campaigns such as the Stop the War campaign and campiagns to prevent the increase in student tution fees
        • Governments such as the coalition have ignored huge prtoests over the cuts in public expendititure
        • Pressure group success is built on a variety of factors and levels of public support is one of many


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