Post mortem examinations

  • Created by: 0045253
  • Created on: 31-05-22 16:24
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  • Post mortem examinations
    • The brain is examined after death to try and correlate structural abnormalities/damage to behaviour
      • P -  Post-mortem evidence was vital in early understanding of key processes in the brain.
        • E - Therefore, post mortems improve our medical knowledge of the brain
          • E -  Broca & Wernicke both relied on post-mortem examinations to link language and the brain.
            • L - This means that they may help generate hypotheses for further study.  
      • P -  However, post-mortem evidence lacks validity and generalisability, they rely on small sample sizes. 
        • E - They raise ethical issues of consent from the patient before their death (as special permission needs to be granted to conduct a post mortem).
          • E -  Patients may not be able to provide informed consent; for example HM.
            • L - Neuronal changes can occur during and after death due to decay or trauma. This means that generalisation and causation can be an issue.


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