Population Indicators

  • Created by: Iz6379
  • Created on: 27-05-19 15:16
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  • Population Indicators
    • Birth rate
      • The number of births occurring among the population of a given area each year per 1,000 people
    • Death rate
      • The number of deaths occurring among the population of a given area each year per 1,000 people
    • Fertility rate
      • The expected number of children a women will have during her lifetime
    • Infant Mortality rate
      • The number of deaths of children under one year old of a given area during a year per 1,000 births
    • Life Expectancy
      • The average numberof years  a newborn infant would live given the patterns of mortality at time of birth
    • Migration rate
      • The difference between the number of people entering and leaving a country during the year per 1,000 people
    • Population density
      • The population per square kilometre


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