Population change

  • Created by: jwizz
  • Created on: 02-06-16 10:07
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  • Population change
    • Over time the global population increases and the population structures of different countries change
      • exponential rate of world population growth
        • going from a J graph to an S graph
        • a pattern where the growth rate constantly increases, shown as a J graph
          • going from a J graph to an S graph
        • BR>DR = Natural increase
        • BR leaving the area
          • migration
            • immigration -> arriving in the area
      • countries pass through different stages of growth in the Demographic Transition Model, changing population structure
      • impact of increasing urbanisation, agricultural change, education and the emancipation of women on the rate of population growth
    • A range of strategies has been tried by countries experiencing rapid population growth
      • the social, economic, political implication of population change and the need to achieve sustainable development
      • the effectiveness of population policies adopted in different countries since the 1990s to include birth control programmes and other strategies adopted.
    • An ageing population impacts on the guture development of a country
      • The relationship between the population structure and population decline and the impact on the future economic development
      • The problems associated with an ageing dependent population
      • Government strategies to cope with an ageing population and the incentives suggested for encouraging an increase in a country's birth rate
    • population movements impact on both the source regions of migrants and the receiving countries
      • Migration is a result of decision-making push and pull factors which can have positive and negative impacts
        • Push factors (about the place or origin)
          • not job
          • poor living conditions
          • war
          • natural disaster
        • pull factors (about the destination)
          • job opportunities
            • get higher wages to send back to their family at home
          • better standard of living
        • positive impacts
          • source country
            • reduced demand on services
            • money sent back by the emigrants
          • receiving country
            • increased labour force
            • they pay taxes to fund services
        • negative impacts
          • source country
            • labour shortage, working ages emigrate
            • skills shortage - highely educated emirgrate
            • ageing population - young people emmigrate
          • receiving country
            • competition for jobs- conflict and tension
            • increased demand for services  - overcrowding
            • not all money is spent in the country, some is sent back to the country of origin
      • Economic movements with in the EU, refugee movements to the EU and the impacts of such movements.
        • economic migrants within the EU
          • in the EU you can work and live in any other EU
            • 1/2 million poles to UK in 2004-2007
          • pushes and pulls
            • pushes from poland
              • high unemployment 19%
              • low wages - 1/3 of average EU wge
              • housing shortages 300 houses for 1000 people
            • pulls to the UK
              • Ease of migration
              • more work, high wages, demand for tradesmen
              • good exchange rate, any money sent back was worth a lot more
          • impacts in poland
            • population fell slightly and BR fell
            • shortage or workiers slowed growth of economy
            • economy boosted by 3 billion sent back from the UK
          • impacts in the UK
            • population increased
            • boosted economy but some was sent home
            • Untitled
            • new polish shops
            • catholic church attendance went up
        • Refugee migrants to the EU
          • north Africa to spain
            • 2 million forced from their homes due to war in Sierra Leone
              • push factor, fear of death or violence
          • impact in African countries
            • none
              • no gov. no economy
          • impact in spain
            • social tension
            • unskilled workers fill gaps in labour market
              • wages decrease in this market
            • BR increased
  • Birth rate - babies born per thousand of the population each year
    • Death rate - number of deaths per thousand of the population each year
      • exponential rate of world population growth
        • a pattern where the growth rate constantly increases, shown as a J graph
          • BR>DR = Natural increase
          • BR leaving the area
            • migration
              • immigration -> arriving in the area


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