Philippines Case Study- Multiple Hazard Zones

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  • Philippines Case Study
    • Multiple Hazard Zones- Case  Study.
      • 60% of the land  is exposed to multiple hazards.
    • August 1976
      • Earthquake.
      • 6,000 deaths.
        • 85% were due to a tsunami.
    • Country of over 7,000 islands.
      • Approximately 1,000 of these are settled with people.
    • In 2015, the WRI placed it  at the 3rd most at risk country.
    • Population of 102 million.
      • 74% of population is exposed to 2 or more hazards.
    • Between 1960-2015, the Philippines experienced 555 major hazard events.
      • Average of 10 a year.
    • Has 37 volcanoes.
      • 18 of these are currently actiive.


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