P7 The Sun The Stars and their Surroundings pt1

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  • P7.4 The Sun, The Stars and their Surroundings
    • Spectra
      • All objects emit  EM radiation. As the temperature increases, the amount of radiation at high frequencies increases.
    • Hertzsprung-Russel Diagram
      • Stars spend most of their lives in the main sequence.
      • Temperature on the x-axis. Luminosity on the y-axis.
    • Pressure, Volume and Temperature
    • Star and Star System Formation
      • 1] After the Big Bang, it took 300,000 years for stable hydrogen and helium atoms to form.
      • 2] Gradually these atoms began to group together into gas clouds called nebulae.
      • 3] GE transfers to heat energy as gas particles are attracted towards the centre.
      • 4] Gravity in the nebulae tugs every atom towards every other atom so the coud experiences grasvitational collapse and shrinks into a swirling disc. It becomes a proto-star.
      • 5] Fusion reactions start at 15 million°c which converts hydrogen to helium.
      • 6] Material further out in disc clumps together to form planets.
  • Volume/ Temperature X Constant (with no pressure change).


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