P2 Summaries

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  • P2 Summaries
    • Forces and energy
      • The stopping distance of a vehicle is thinking distance plus braking distance.
      • A force transfers energy when it does some work on a object.
      • Momentum is mass x      velocity.        It is conserved when objects collide or explode apart if no external forces act.
      • The speed of an object can be found using a distance time graph. The acceleration and distance traveled can be found using a velocity time graph.
      • Objects gain  gravitational potential energy if they are lifted up. Moving objects have kinetic energy. Stretched or squashed elastic objects store elastic energy.
      • A resultant force shows the combined effect of several forces. It makes an object accelerate (changes speed or direction).
      • Moving objects reach a terminal velocity (top speed) when drag forces matches driving forces.
    • Using mains electricity safely and the power of electrical appliances
      • Electric cable can be two-cord or three-cord. A three pin plug must be correctly wired.
      • Batteries supply direct current (d.c.); mains supply is alternating current (a.c.) at about 230V 50Hz.
      • Power is the potential difference supplied x current, or energy transferred ÷ time.
      • Earthing, fuses and RCCBs protect the user and appliance.
      • Energy transferred is the potential difference supplied  x charge
    • Static electricity
      • Insulating materials can be charged by rubbing. They gain or lose electrons.
      • Objects carrying the same charge repel. Objects carrying the opposite charge attract.
    • Atomic structure and radioactivity
      • An atomic nucleus contains protons and neutrons. Electrons orbit the nucleus. Radioactive materials emit ionising radiation from their nucleus.
      • Background radiation comes from natural sources (for example rocks,) and man-made sources (for example medical uses.
      • Ions are atoms that have lost or gained electrons. Isotopes have the same number of protons, but different numbers of neutrons.
      • Alpha, beta and gamma radiation have different properties, uses and dangers.
      • Half-life is the time taken for the count rate of a radioactive sample to halve.
    • Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion
      • Nuclear fission is the splitting of an atomic nucleus.
      • All stars have a life cycle. Nuclear fusion in stars releases energy and produces all naturally occurring elements.
      • Fission of uranium-235 or plutonium-239 during a chain reaction releases energy in nuclear reactors.
      • Nuclear fusion is when two atomic nuclei join to form a larger one.
    • Electrical circuits
      • In series circuit: the current is the same throughout, the potential difference is shared between components and the resistance of components adds.
      • Circuit diagrams use standard symbols.
      • In a parallel circuit, the current is shared between branches and the potential difference is the same for each branch.
      • Resistance measures how easily a current flows through a component. Resistance = potential difference ÷ current.
      • Electric current is a flow of charge.


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