ozymandias language 2 original

  • Created by: sky1234
  • Created on: 05-11-18 20:19
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  • Ozymandias - Language
    • "boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away"
      • "stretch far away"-the desert is vast and survives far longer than the broken statue, emphasising the insignificance of the statue of Ozymandias
      • Shows the humble power of nature as it leaves Ozymandias and stretches away.
      • "lone and level": alliteration-emphasises the feeling of empty space in the surrounding desert. Isolated image.  Makes image more vivid
      • Alliteration creates harmonious image of infinite nature contrasting with pharaoh's brutal and short-lived regime.
      • emphasises emptiness
    • "cold command"
      • Allusion(reference)-to tyranny: the harsh "c" sound brings this out further. Shows cold and aggressive it foregrounds the pharaoh's cruelty. It suggests Ozymandias character as powerful and arrogant which is ironic as there is nothing left now.
        • the piercing slicing alliteration on "c" further reveals his harsh and hostile nature as his people are socially and inferior towards him. the condescending tone of the adjective "cold" highlights his brutal nature towards his people in a cold hearted manner
          • the imperative "command" reveals his authorative demanding behaviour
      • It suggests Ozymandias character as powerful and arrogant which is ironic as there is nothing left now.
      • shows us that Ozymandias was unfeeling and gave orders rather than asked questions.
      • the description of his "cold command" heightens our understanding the heartlessness and cruelty and in his behaviour towards people as he treats them in a harmful oppressive manner
    • "mighty and despair"
      • Irony: onlookers more mighty than statue as they are still living
      • Imperative to other rulers shows arrogance
    • power of a ruler who was a pharaoh had an empire. statue is extended metaphor of power. It is a metaphor for the decline of power in a ruler and the everlasting power of art and time. it shows how it is greater than human power
    • "survive" and "lifeless"
      • Antithetical (phrase) juxtaposition(two opposing phrases next to each other): sentiment of power, not actual power, is all that survives
    • "king of kings"
      • However, it shows irony as he is king of nothing and is powerless.
      • Shows superiority
        • this shows that he is proud of being able to control everyone and shows his pride due to the power  he has.
      • Arrogant decleration
      • could represent nature itself because nature never disappears and it shows an immortality not shown by kings or kingdoms
      • repetition
        • reminding people of his power
        • wanted to be remembered - immoral
      • the alliteration reveals that he is overconfident as he even challenged other rulers which suggests he is arrogant and powerful.
    • "colossal wreck"
      • The adjective "colossal" is a metaphor for his ego rather than his statue
      • mans achievement is significant against power of nature
      • change in power
      • nature takes its course
      • colossal is something that is mighty but now it is ruined and his power has been obliterated(destroyed)
      • his dictatorship has been crumbled
      • he venerated(respected) nature
    • "wreck" and "decay"
      • through the frangmented statue of ramases 11 Shelley reveals how the statue has wrecked and decayed to depict the superiority of nature as Shelley reveals how humans are socially inferior and powerless against the indomitable force of nature
        • further  highlights how his hierarchy and status has declined which is why Shelley undermines the power of ozymandias
          • fragility and frailty of humans
    • "shattered visage"
      • shelley uses the irony "shattered visage" to heighten how there is nothing left show for the arrogant boasting of the staue
      • "shattered" - his identity now has been destroyed
      • shattered - hard constant sound highlights how his power identity have been decimated by nature + time
      • Shelley further uses the verb "shattered" to depict how the ruined statue can be a symbol for the temporary nature of political power or human achievement as Shelley perhaps uses irony to highlight the contrast between Ozymandias's belief in his own belief and the reality that all his achievements are insignificant compared to the "boundless desert" as there's nothing to show on the rulers arrogant boasting on his great statue
    • "nothing beside remains"
      • his sculpture has been eroded/ crumbled by nature/time
      • the dictatorship has been forgotten
        • he thought it was going to be immortal but instead - nothing
      • immediate contrast with his speech about his might + accomplishments  symbolise human achievement in significant to power of nature and time
      • emphasises the desolation and destruction of the empire
  • Half-rhyme with "appear"- suggests unease
    • "mighty and despair"
      • Irony: onlookers more mighty than statue as they are still living
      • Imperative to other rulers shows arrogance


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