Our evolving atmosphere

  • Created by: sherinfo
  • Created on: 05-02-20 19:01
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  • Early Atmosphere
    • Carbon dioxide
      • Creation
        • Trapped within the Earth from its creation with Water Vapour and Nitrogen
        • Released by volcanoes
      • Lowering
        • Photosynthesis
          • Photosynthetic organisms evolved
          • This replaced the gas with Oxygen
        • Locked into rocks
          • Photosynthesis makes the Carbon go into glucose
          • This glucose would still be within them when the organism dies
          • Some of the ogranisms, may be under extreme pressure+heat rocks and make fossil fuels
    • Water vapour
      • Creation
        • Trapped underneath the Earth since creation with Carbon dioxide and Nitrogen
        • Released by volcanoes
      • Lowering
        • Global temperatures dropped
        • The water rained and became oceans
    • Nitrogen
      • Creation
        • Was trapped under the Earth since creation with Water vapour and Carbon dioxide
        • Released by volcanoes
    • Methane and Ammonia
      • Unknown creation story
      • Reduced
        • Both reacted with Oxygen
        • Methane combusted into Carbon dioxide and water
        • Ammonia reacted to make Nitrogen and Water


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