bottom up approach

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  • Offender Profiling: Bottom-Up Approach
    • Bottom-Up Approach
      • Doesn't begin with fixed typologies
      • Profile is data driven
      • Aim is to generate a picture of the offenders character traits, routines and background
      • Everything based off of evidence analysis
    • Investigative Psychology
      • Uses statistical procedures to establish behaviours that are likely to exist across crime scenes
      • Develops a database as a baseline for comparison
        • Details of the offence can then be matched against this database to reveal important details about the offenders background
    • Interpersonal Coherence
      • The way an offender acts at the scene and interacts with the victim mimics how they act in real life
      • Shows how they are likely to have relationships with people and act
    • Geographical Profiling
      • Make inferences about the likely home or operational base of an offender
        • Crime mapping
      • Used in conjunction with psychological theory to create a hypothesis about the offender
      • Marauder
        • Someone who operates close to home
      • Commuter
        • Someone who is likely to travel to the scene
      • Offending patterns are likely to form a circle around their usual place of residence
        • Becomes more prominent with more offences
        • Gives information into the offence - planned and transport etc


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