Observational Techniques

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  • Observational Techniques
    • Covert
      • P's behaviour is watched and recorded w/o their consent
    • Overt
      • P's behaviour is watched and recorded with their consent
    • Non-Participant
      • Researcher remains outside of the group
    • Participant
      • Researcher becomes a part of group to watch behaviour
    • Naturalistic & Controlled
      • Naturalistic
        • Evaluation
          • High external validity
          • Lack of control makes replication difficult
          • Uncontrolled extraneous variables
        • Watching and recording behaviour in a setting where it would normally occur
      • Controlled
        • Watching and recording behaviour in a structured environment
        • Evaluation
          • May produce findings that can't be applied to real life
          • Extraneous variables may be less of a factor
            • Repication is easier
    • Participant and Non-Participant
      • Participant
      • Non-Particiant


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