Non Fatal Offences

  • Created by: Launston
  • Created on: 13-05-14 13:41
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  • Non-Fatal Offences
    • Common Assault
      • Actus Reus
        • Causing apprehension of immediate and unlawful violence
          • No need for fear
            • Can be by words - Ireland
              • Must be immediate - Constanza
      • Mens Rea
        • Intention or subjective recklessness
          • Cunningham recklessness
    • Battery
      • Actus Reus
        • Infliction of force or violence (the merest touching)
          • Haystead - can be indirect touching
            • Must be non-consensual
              • Consent can be implied in everyday situations to an extent - Collins v Wilcox
              • Thomas - can be touching of clothes
      • Mens Rea
        • Intention or subjective recklessness
    • Assault Occasioning ABH
      • Actus Reus
        • Common assault or battery resulting in actual bodily harm
          • Donovan - more than transient or trifling harm
            • Can be physical or by words
              • Trying to escape - Lewis
                • Psychological - Ireland and Burstow
      • Mens Rea
        • Intention or subjective recklessness to common assault or battery
          • Savage - only half mens rea
    • Wounding/Inflicting GBH
      • Actus Reus
        • Wounding
          • Eisenhower - must be break in skin
        • GBH
          • DPP v Smith: 'really serious harm'
            • Burstow - inflict means cause
      • Mens Rea
        • Intention or recklessness as to some harm
    • GBH with intent
      • Actus Reus
        • Wounding or GBH
      • Mens Rea
        • Intention or recklessness plus ulterior intent
    • Consent
      • Only a defence to offences less than ABH
        • Brown - unless recognised exceptions
          • Sports - Barnes
          • Horseplay - Aitken
          • Distinguished from Wilson in Emmet


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