New Right: education

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  • New Right: role + function of education
    • education should create a meritocratic social order where the best will prosper
      • agree with functionalism in that they argue some people are naturally more able than others
    • the education system should help to create a united and integrated society by creating a common national culture and identity
      • thus, a key role of education is to socialise
      • however, the current education system is failing to achieve this
        • it is failing because it is controlled by the government and there's no competitive edge; no reason to improve
    • education is dominated by a select few who do not take into account the interests of parents and children
      • the solution to this is to unleash the power of the market and let the consumer decide what constitutes appropriate education
        • power must be taken away from the state + teachers and instead give it to the parents to create a parentocracy
        • marketisation: process of applying market forces of consumer choice to education and creating competition between schools
    • education is trying to hard to create equality, it needs to focus on standards instead
      • creation of an educational market where parents have the power to choose which school their child attends forces schools to raise their standards and focus on raising attaintment
    • UK needs a skilled workforce that has the essential skills to enable it to compete with other countries
      • the New Right believe that schools should have a greater focus on work-based skills and less of a focus on raising cultural awareness
    • Key Sociologists: Chubb and Moe
      • state schools are inefficient; a market system must be introduced in the way of a voucher system
        • each family would be given a voucher to spend on buying education from a school of their choice
    • Evaluation
      • marketisation often disadvantages the working-class students
      • the idea that ability is a fixed and natural biological characteristic is questionable
      • ignores the impact of material, cultural or educational processes that may alter a person's ability


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