15 marker Nature/Nurture

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  • Discuss extent to which psychological research supports nature/nurture debate (15)
    • P: Supports nature as suggest behaviour is due to biological factors such as regions of the brain
      • E: For example, the brain and how it works in relation to our behaviour.
        • E: CASEY: looked at inferior frontal gyrus + ventral striatum in high/low delayers. Explained behaviour being due to high/low activity in those regions of brain
    • P: supports nurture due to research into learning theories e.g. Operant conditioning
      • E: This is theory that behaviour is controlled via positive or negative reinforcement
        • E: CHANEY: used funhaler to increase use of inhalers in children. Child was rewarded with a spinning disk and whistle when used. Funhaler reported use: 73 vs 10 (% of parents who successfully medicated child always as recorded in their questionnaire)
  • P: supports nature as suggests behaviour is innate due to hormones
    • E: For example, it is due to testosterone levels in boys
      • E: BANDURA: The boys showed more aggression in study of  social learning theory than the girls did, suggesting an innate predisposition of being more naturally aggressive than girls. 25.8 vs 5.5 (both in the same sex condition of child)
  • P: supports nurture due to environmental influence on behaviour
    • E: environmental influences  such as culture/how someone is brought up can influence thinking/behaviour
      • E: LEE: suggests moral thinking is influenced by culture. e.g. Chinese boys at age 7,9,11 rated pro-social/lie telling more positively than Canadian children that age --> showing culture has influence on our thinking and behavior


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