my choregraphy project

  • Created by: jamcat53
  • Created on: 29-06-20 11:27
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  • weather
    • rain
      • waving hands
      • fall of a lightning bolt
      • pumping arms
        • standing
    • wind
      • waving arms
        • low to the ground
          • searching
            • calm
        • slow but measured
      • searching
        • calm
      • throwing
        • low to the ground
          • quick, decelerate
      • sunshine
        • wide arm circles
          • slow, calm, collected
        • maximum stretch
          • push out
          • high up touching the sky
            • sunshine
              • wide arm circles
                • slow, calm, collected
              • maximum stretch
                • push out
                • high up touching the sky
                  • explosion
                    • Quick, crazy, convulsive
              • explosion
                • Quick, crazy, convulsive




    not bad but maybe label for what its for

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