Mount St Helens

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  • Mount St Helens
    • FACTS
      • 57 killed
        • 53 - exclusion zones
      • USA - 1980
      • VEI 5
      • Economic
        • $1bn (USA)
        • Tourism decreased
          • Jobs created when tourism increased again
        • Flights cancelled
        • 15km2 of timber
        • Ash clogged farm machinery
          • $100m USA
      • Environmental
        • Lava flows and ash blocked rivers
          • Flooding washed way roads & rial bridges
        • Killed wildlife
          • Destroyed ecosystems
        • Ice & snow melted
          • Lahars
        • Soil fertility increases
          • For farming
      • Social
        • 300km of main road
          • Lahar
        • 200 homes
        • Crops destoryed
          • Livelihood of farmers decreased
        • 57 died
          • Poisonous gases
        • Electricity lines cut
      • 4.2 earthquake
      • Lahar
        • Destroyed ecosystems
          • 7,000 animals
          • All fish
            • e.g. 12 million salmon
      • Pyroclastic flow
        • Sideways eruption
      • Long Term
        • Ash removed from roads
          • $1m
        • Monitoring
        • Trees replanted
      • Short Term
        • Evacuation of exclusion zones
        • Search & Resuce
          • 130 people
        • 2 million gas masks
        • Emergency food, aid, shelter and clean water supplies


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