
  • Created by: debbieoxt
  • Created on: 13-05-18 15:17
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  • Milgram (1963)
    • Aim - to see if ordinary people would follow orders and give an innocent person a potentially harmful electric shock.
    • Procedure - ad in newspaper, 40 males, $5, Yale University, two confederates, rigged draw lots, given a 45 volt shock, tested learner on word pairs, shock every time the answer was wrong, experimenter used prods, once they got to 450 volts, they repeated the same shock.
    • Results - 100% gave 300 volt shocks, 14 stopped between 300 and 375 volts and 65% went to 450 volts.
    • Conclusion - social setting is a powerful determinant of behaviour. We are socialised to recognise authority and react to obedience.
    • G - lacks population validity, all American, all males, limited sample, can't generalise to females or other cultures.
    • Reliability - easily replicated, highly standardised, well controlled, everyone experienced the same thing, same equipment, same prods, highly credible and scientific.
    • Application - demonstrates how obedience to authority works, helps explain real life atrocities, such as the Abu Ghraib scandal.
    • Validity - unrealistic, not representative of real life behaviour, lacked mundane realism.
    • Ethics - deceived, lack of informed consent, no protection of participants from harm, no right to withdraw.


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