MiC - experiments

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  • Methods in context - experiments
    • Practical
      • Access to schools and students/parents/teacher
      • Cost
    • Ethical
      • Consent from students and parents
      • Vulnerability. Of students
      • Anonymity and privacy
    • Generalisable?
      • No, difficult to generalise findings due to unnatural scenario and small sample
    • Examples
      • Harvey and Slatin
        • Lab: teachers views  of students based on class
      • Charkin et al
        • Lab: teacher expectations influenced by ability
      • Mason
        • Lab: are tpositive or negative expectations more influential on achievement
    • reliability
      • Standardised and scientific procedure means that’s it can easily be replicated by another.
    • Validity
      • Poor validity due to unfamiliar situation  - low ecological validity (only LE)
      • Demand characteristics and Hawthorne effect in play dice to knowing they are ina study.
    • Theoretical perspective
      • Positivists favour experiments due to their high control and scientific nature
    • representativeness
      • Not representativedue to small samples which can be studied


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