Metaethics Overview

  • Created by: Elena.S
  • Created on: 09-03-17 10:51
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    • Cognitivism - ethical views describe the world around us; ethical statements are propositions which are true or false
      • Moral Realism - morals are objectively real things that exist in the world
        • Naturalism - ethical concepts can be understood and defined in non-ethical terms; a form of reductionism referring to certain objective features in the world
          • Example: utilitarianism; the morally good thing is that which brings the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest amount of people
        • Non-naturalism - ethical statements can't be understood and defined in non-ethical terms; moral properties can unique and "in the air"
          • Intuitionism - the morally good thing is known intuitively
            • Consequentialist intuitionism - the morally good thing is determined through the consequences
            • Deontological intuitionism - the morally good thing is known through duties originating from intuition
      • Moral Anti-Realism - morals aren't objectively real things that don't exist in the world; what we perceive is subjective and mind-dependent
        • Error Theory - moral language describes the world but  it is always wrong due systematic mistakes  because moral properties don't exist
    • Non-Cognitivism - ethical views don't describe the world around us; ethical statements are attitudes held which aren't true or false
      • Emotivism - moral judgements express attitudes and feelings of approval or disapproval
      • Prescriptivism - moral judgements are descriptive and prescriptive; moral statements are a way of instructing someone rather than referring to objectively real properties


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