Metabolism- BIOLOGY

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  • Metabolism
    • Definition
      • "The rate at which chemical reactions occur in a living organism"
    • Examples of reactions in metabolism
      • The conversion of glucose to starch
        • Converted from a soluble substance to an insoluble one
          • Glycogen and Cellulose
      • Glycogen and Cellulose
      • The formation of lipids
        • A condensationreaction
      • The formation of amino acids and proteins
        • "Amino acid synthesis is the set of biochemical processes by which the various amino acids are produced from other compounds. The substrates for these processes are various compounds in the organism's diet or growth media".
          • "All tissues have some capability for synthesis of the non-essential amino acids, amino acid remodeling, and conversion of non-amino acid carbon skeletons into amino acids and other derivatives that contain nitrogen."
            • "The liver is the major site of nitrogen metabolism in the body. In times of dietary surplus, the potentially toxic nitrogen of amino acids is eliminated via transaminations, deamination, and urea formation"
      • Respiration
        • The reaction necessary for the release of energy.
        • Occurs in the mitochondria
        • Oxygen + Glucose -> CO2 + Water
          • Glucose -> Lactic Acid
            • Anaerobic
          • Aerobic
      • The breakdown of excess proteins to form urea for excretion
        • "Whenever one consumes proteins, after using the amino acids in the body for protein synthesis, the waste product that is produced is urea."
          • The body is unable to store excess protein. Therefore, after digestion by the stomach and small intestine, the amino acids which are protein's endproducts enter the bloodstream.
            • The nitrogen in the amino acid becomes converted to ammonia, and this is further converted by the liver into urea, which is less toxic than ammonia to the body. The kidneys will then filter out the urea from the circulation, send it to the bladder along with water and excrete it in the form of urine
            • Excess amino acids are converted in the liver to other products by the process of deamination
          • Urea is soluble in water. It is how nitrogen is excreted by the body


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