Measuring Lung Capacity

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  • Measuring Lung Capacity
    • Elements of Lung Volume
      • Dead Space - air in the bronchioles, bronchi and trachea - no gas exchange
      • Residual Volume - volume of air that always remains in the lungs
        • approx.  1.5dm^3
      • Inspiratory Reserve Volume - how much more air can be breathed in, over and above the normal tidal volume
      • Vital Capacity - largest volume of air that can be moved into and out of lungs in 1 breath
        • approx. 5dm^3
      • Expiratory Reserve Volume - how much more air can be breathed out over and above the normal tidal volume
      • Tidal Volume - volume of air moved in and out of lungs with each breath when at rest
        • approx. 0.5dm^3
    • Spirometer
      • consists of a chamber filed with oxygen that floats on a tank of water
        • person breather from a disposable mouthpiece attached to a tube connected to the chamber
          • breathing takes oxygen from the chamber, which then sinks down
            • breathing out pushes air into the chamber, which floats up
              • movements of the chamber are recorded using a datalogger so that a spirometer trace can be produced
      • if someone breathes in and out of a spirometer over a long period of time, CO2 levels would build up to dangerous levels
        • SODA LIME is used to absorb the CO2 as it enters the chamber
          • so there will be an overall decrease in volume of the chamber, as oxygen is being taken and the CO2 being released does not go back in
            • this allows us to make calculations on the oxygen use under different conditions




great mindmap, thanks! One small thing- isn't some gas exchange possible at the bronchioles? Other than that spotless, thanks again :)

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