Marxism Theory & Methods

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  • Marxism
    • Marx
      • conflict theory economy is the driving force of society and determines social institutions
        • economic base/ infrastructure underpins/ determines society
        • superstructure e.g. social institutions
      • dominant ideology of bourgeoisie reflected through social institutions creates false consciousness
        • revolution & communism can lead to developing class consciousness
      • strengths
        • recognises economic changes can influence social institutions
        • sees the importance of social structure
      • weaknesses
        • overemphasis on conflict functionalists see society as harmonious with collective sentiments
        • predictions haven't come true, wc haven't overthrown mc
    • Neo Marxism
      • Gramsci
        • the state maintains power through hegemony dominance of ruling class ideology
        • people's ideas have relative autonomy ideas more influential than the economy
        • theory of hegemony leans towards social action emphasises ideas bringing revolutionary change
      • Althusser
        • political level
        • economic level
        • ideological level
      • strengths
        • updates Marxist ideas applies it to contemporary society
      • weaknesses
        • Marx also recognised importance of ideas and meanings
    • Classic Marxism
      • Marx thinks capitalism will destroy society as wc have false class consciousness
        • hegemony makes wc accept the capitalist system & prevents it being overthrown
          • wc want higher wages but at the expense of the mc owners profit


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