Marxist perspective on education

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  • Marxist perspective on Education
    • overview
      • promotes the acceptance of the capitalist structure and the norms and values of the ruling class
      • students are taught to obey authority and to not upset the balance of inequality e.g. theft is wrong even if someone has a lot more than them.
      • the system replicates generations of people to support itself - some adapt a false class consciousness
      • the bourgeoisie (ruling class) exploit the proletariat (subject class)
    • Althusser
      • Education is apart of the ideological state apparatus - institutions, e.g. schools, which transmit ruling class ideologies
      • students learn that the system is correct and that there is a specific place in it for them to take
        • reproduces class inequality by transmitting from one generation to the next and legitimises inequality and protects capitalism from this.
      • criticism: provides only a general framework with little evidence to support his views
    • Bowles and Gintis
      • sees the primary role of education is to produce an obedient workforce that accepts inequality and low pay
        • hidden curriculum reinforces this, correspondence theory in both school and work place
          • produces hardworking, obedient and motivated workforce required by capitalism. these traits are rewarded in school.
      • meritocracy is seen as myth that's promoted through schooling
      • Criticism: sees education as determined by the economy, too deterministic
    • Paul Willis
      • the lads misbehaved and rejected authority, do as little work as possible yet got involved with the male adult world outside of school, generation reinforced work
      • belief that any grades they get won't go towards anything nor will they affect their job choices therefore investing time is pointless


Harry Jonas


The Marxist Perspective of Education The Marxist perspective of education is based on the work of Karl Marx and his belief that those who control the means of production control society. In this case, those who control capital, or wealth, also control society. The Marxist Perspective on EducationA major function of education, from the Marxist perspective, is to reproduce and legitimize the existing class structure. The ruling class has an interest in maintaining the status quo because it benefits them and their power. Therefore, schools produce a particular ideology that benefits the ruling class and ensures that they remain dominant in society. Well, one of my friends asked me to contact website in order to do your research paper so that I could complete all my pending work on time.

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