Maldives & Tuvalu Case Study

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  • Coastal Management in Island Nations
      • 97% of inhabited islands in the Maldives are experiencing erosion and, as sea levels rise, an increased risk of flooding. For some time, any coastal management by the local government has not been sustainable
        • Why is management not sustainable?
          • Isolated islands are ignored as most money is spent on the capital city Male
          • Sustainable management of traditional income sources (e.g. fishing) are overlooked in favour of protecting tourist and urban developments.
      • NGO Intervention and Involvement
        • NGOs have encouraged sustainable living and educated locals to change The Maldives’ situation.
          • They have been more successful than the government because they have involved and centred their efforts around the locals, rather than tourists (public participation).
        • The Global Environment Facility (GEF) has provided small grants to locals on the islands in order for them to help develop sustainable and organic farming.
        • The organisation Mangroves for the Future (MMF) is educating communities about the importance of coastal mangroves as a defence against erosion and flooding, hence reducing their deforestation.
    • TUVALU
      • Tuvalu is a low-lying Pacific Island, which is becoming increasingly vulnerable as eustatic sea level rise continues. Most areas in Tuvalu are only 1-2m above sea level with the highest point only 4.5m above sea level. Its population have had to mitigate to the changing coastal environment or forced to migrate to New Zealand.
      • Problems & Mitigation Solutions
        • More tropical cyclones are occurring, due to an increase in sea temperatures
          • Residents need to construct cyclone shelters to prevent injury
        • Salt water encroachment has led to crop failures and loss of local water sources
          • Residents grow staple crops in concrete plots and must travel further inland to access a freshwater supply to drink from and water their crops.
      • Migration
        • Some cannot afford to mitigate or are fed up of losing cattle, crops and economic assets.
          • . Therefore, there is a growing number of environmental refugees from Tuvalu who must live in New Zealand to survive
        • Overall Migration will result in a better standard of living, but cultural tensions can arise between the migrants and locals.


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