Macbeth - Theme Loyalty/Betrayal

  • Created by: Noah_S
  • Created on: 05-05-19 18:38
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  • Loyalty/Betrayal
    • Paragraph 2
      • "He's here in double trust"
        • Macbeth knows that Duncan is a good king to be loyal too and knows that he should not betray him.  Only with his wife pressurising him that he kills Duncan.
      • "too full o' the milk of human kindness"
        • Lady Macbeth believes that Macbeth is too good and loyal to Duncan to commit regicide and gain the power he was told to get by the witches.
      • Macbeth knows that he should be loyal to Duncan - telling himself that he is a good king.  However, he is pressurised by his wife to commit regicide in the end.
    • Paragraph 5
      • "We'll have thee, as our rarer monsters are, painted on a pole"
        • Macbeth is compared to a monster by Macduff showing that he is disloyal to his country - only causing suffering in the process of his own goals.
      • "Out, damned spot! out, I say"
        • Lady Macbeth is suffering from the guilt of committing regicide.  Showing that being disloyal to your king will punish you in the long term.
      • Shakespeare's play present a protagonist who's loyalty disappears when his morals are corrupt by his unchecked ambition.  Teaching the audience that this will happen to them if they follow the footsteps of Macbeth.
    • Paragraph 1
      • "Brave Macbeth"
        • Shakespeare presents Macbeth as an honourable soldier showing that he thought highly by his piers.
      • "I have begun to plant thee"
        • Because Macbeth is loyal to Duncan, he is rewarded because of his loyalty and actions towards Duncan.
      • When the play opens, Shakespeare presents Macbeth as a loyal and honourable soldier.  He is willing to protect his country.
    • Paragraph 4
      • "Shall Banquo's issue ever reign in this kingdom?"
        • Macbeth only cares about problems to do with himself, showing that he is disregarding any other problems his country might have.
      • "The castle of Macduff I will surprise"
        • This decision by Macbeth, out of his paranoia, shows that his loyalty is not to his people and country but to himself.
      • After seeing the witches for a second time, Macbeth's loyalty is only to himself because of his ambition and paranoia.
    • Paragraph 3
      • Banquo:  "I fear thou has played most foully for it"
        • Banquo believes that Macbeth has committed regicide indicating that Macbeth might not be loyal to anyone at this point.
      • "We have scotched the snake, not killed it"
        • Macbeth compares the threats of Banquo with a snake, a sign of evil.  This shows the audience that Macbeth is not loyal to his companions anymore.
      • By Act 3 Macbeth's paranoia is driving his decision making, making his morals vanish.  He shows that he can not be trusted as he plots to betray Banquo and his son.


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