Looking for meaning

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  • Looking for Meaning:
    • Key Word:
      • Afterlife: The continuation of human existence after death. For example, Heaven and Hell.
      • Community: A group of people who share something in common. For example, a school.
      • Awe: A sense in wonder in relation to God's creation or presence. For example, a Cathedral.
      • Revelation: The way in which God reveals himself . For example, incarnating himself into Jesus.
      • Symbolism: The representation of an idea through actions and images. For example: Crucfix
      • God: Ultimate and supereme power to whom whorship is given.
    • The way we experience God:
      • Holy book / Sacred texts
      • Great religious leaders
      • Miracles
      • Worship and pray
      • Personal experiences
      • Natural world
      • Religious teachings
    • Quotations:
      • "Those who have embraced faith and done good work shall rejoice in a fair garden; but those who have disbelived... shall bedelived up for punishment
      • "I am the resurration and the life, whoever believes in me will live even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never dies".
      • "As a man cats off worn-out garments and puts on new onesm so emboided soul cats off the worn-out body enters other new ones",
    • monotheism: Believe in one God.
    • Polytheism: Believes in more then one God.
    • Other useful Key words:
      • Omnipotent: All powerful
      • Omnisaent: All knowledgeable
      • Omnibenevolent: All loving
      • Omnipresent: Present everywhere
    • Different Types of Believers:
      • Atheist: Someone who doesn't believe in God.
      • Agnostic: Someone who is unsure if God actually real.
      • Thesis: Someone who believes God is reall.
    • Life After Death:
      • Jewish
        • No clear idea of what a soul is.
        • Soul or spirit = 'Breath of life'.
      • Christians
        • Catholics, believe in the idea of purgatory.
          • Purgatory is temporary.
            • Heaven and Hell is permenant.
            • Most people go there because, they do things, but thet are sorry for it.
              • Shows God is forgiving and Fair.
        • Other types of christians don't believe in purgatory, so you either go to heaven or hell.
          • Hell is temporary
        • Ressuration:
          • Body and Soul is reunited.
          • Reminds us of the parable about the sheets and goats.
            • Sheep, is on the right. Good. Because they look after others.
            • Goat, is on the left. Bad. Because they ignore people in need.
            • Show God is forgiving and fair, loving because he gives people a second chance.
            • Your actions will lead to good judgement.
          • All about judgement.
          • Resurrected if you are sorry
          • Resurrection is important and possible
            • Reminds of when Jesus will return.
              • How will he make it perfect.
        • Funeral
          • Holy water spread on the body.
            • Symbolic meaning.
            • Represnts orginally sin
            • Sin of baptism.
          • Psalm
            • Hopefully service
            • Sing hyms
            • Puts your trust in God.
          • Place earth on coffin.
            • Reminds us that the physical life has ended
          • Wreath
            • In a circle
              • Represents eternity
            • Death is only the beginning
          • Doves
            • Represnts the spirit moving on.
          • Cermony is there for the family.
          • Headstone
            • Physically reminder of the person's life.


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