  • Created by: Akhmed22
  • Created on: 29-04-17 13:48
Explain what religious believers mean by creation.
A unique design planned by the maker.E.g god created the world.
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Explain what believers mean by Dominion.
To guard over something for the creator.E.g to look after the trees and plants.
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Explain what believers mean by environment.
The surroundings in which we live for which religions teach we are responsible.
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Explain what believers mean by humanity.
Compassion for others.E.g by serving others voluntarily.
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Explain what believers mean by soul.
A part of humans that is not physical and lived on after death.
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Explain what believers mean by stewardship.
A god given responsibility to manage or control the earth.
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Explain what believers mean by commitment.
Making and keeping promises, such as, wedding vows.
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Explain what believers mean by chastity.
Not having any sexual relationship before marriage as sex is seen as sacred and a gift from God.
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Explain what believers mean by conflict.
Clashes and brake down of relationships. Faith communities may help with advice.
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Explain what believers mean by love.
To have a deep affection for someone and express it through actions and words.
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Explain what believers mean by reconciliation.
Saying sorry and having it accepted. all religions teach the importance of forgiveness.
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Explain what believers mean by responsibilities.
Duties you should carry out, such as, looking after family members
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Explain what believers mean by afterlife.
Where the soul goes after death.E.g heaven or hell according to their actions on earth.
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Explain what believers mean by awe.
Feeling over whelmed by a sense of Gods presences.
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Explain what believers mean by community.
A group of people who have something in common.E.g faith and religion.
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Explain what believers mean by God.
Ultimate being.E.g. creator of the world
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Explain what believers mean by revelation.
Something shown or explained that was once hidden.E.g. the qur'an.
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Explain what believers mean by symbolism.
A sign which has a particular meaning.E.g. the cross
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Explain what believers mean by authority.
The moral power behind a person's words or actions.E.g. conscience.
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Explain what believers mean by idenity.
The way a person sees themselves.E.g. as God's creation
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Explain what believers mean by discrimination.
This means treating someone differently because of race, gender and religion.
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Explain what believers mean by Equality.
where everyone is treated and seen the same before God and where there is no discrimination.
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Explain what believers mean by injustice.
where there is no equality, provision or opportunity or where human rights have been ignored.
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Explain what believers mean by prejudice.
to pre-judge someone before you get to know them.Believers believe this is wrong as we are all part of God's, we are all equal.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Explain what believers mean by Dominion.


To guard over something for the creator.E.g to look after the trees and plants.

Card 3


Explain what believers mean by environment.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Explain what believers mean by humanity.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Explain what believers mean by soul.


Preview of the front of card 5
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