LAVA mindmap

  • Created by: maisy2
  • Created on: 24-04-19 18:05
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  • LAVA
    • rhyolitic lava
      • 650-800 c
      • 70% silica
      • very violent eruptions
      • thick and stiff
      • composite or supervolcanoes
      • formed by melting of mantle and subducted plates
      • 4-6% gas content
    • basaltic lava
      • 1000 - 1200 c
      • thin and runny
      • formed by plumes
      • gentle and effusive eruptions
      • hotspots, mid-ocean ridges and shield volcanoes
      • 0.5-2% gas content
      • 50% silica
    • andesitic lava
      • 800 - 1000 c
      • erupts violently and explosivley
      • 3 - 4% gas content
      • formed by subducted oceanic plates
      • slow viscous lava
      • pyroclastic flow
      • 60% silica


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