E16 mindmap

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  • E16 Eruption
    • Economic Impacts
      • 7 days of grounded flights cost airline industry £1.1 Billion
      • Industries which need air freight to deliver parts/goods suffered.
      • Iceland saw a large increase in tourist numbers post eruption wanting to see the island's volcanoes
    • Environmental Impacts
      • Flash floods damaged homes and crops in short term
      • Respiratory problems for local people and wildlife
      • Ash ejected nearly 150,000,000 tonnes of CO2 into the atmoshpere
        • But net gain from grounded flights
      • Floods deposited ash which fertilised soil-bumoper crop yields the following season
    • Social Impacts
      • Flights were grounded, people missed Easter Holiday flights100,000 flights cancelled
      • 700 people evacuated from surrounding area due to flood risk
    • Causes
      • Lava erupted through a fissure
      • Heating of glacial ice mixed with lava
        • Phreatic eruption
      • Huge ash cloud ejected 11,000 metres into the atmoshphere and spread over Europe
      • Read 4 on the VEI
    • Location/background
      • Iceland, mid-atlantic ridge, constructive plate boundary
      • 15th April 2010 eruption
      • Glacial volcano with 2.5km wide caldera


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