L1 - constructivist

  • Created by: BKW
  • Created on: 10-01-20 13:18
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  • L1 - Constructivist approach to grammar aquisition
    • General overview
      • Children and adults have 0 knowledge x-bar theory (generative approach of rules making sentences)
      • Language is a " structured inventory on constructions"
      • Children start out with simple constructions and get ^^^ abstract
      • Children Schematise across all objects they hear "I kick ball" "I kick it" = scematise object 2 I kick object" they also do this with action and subjects until they eventually get SVO
    • Tomasello 2003
      • key points
        • 1. Intention reading/cultural learning - learning concrete utterances paired with meaning
        • 2. Schematization - breaking utterances into components generalizing them to make lexically specific schemas
        • 3. Analogy - when children have built repritoire of slot and frame patterns they can analogise across schemas to form abstract constructions
        • 4. Restrict generalizations - eg hitted
        • 5. Form syntactic classes eg verbs, noun ect
    • Early construction of schemas
      • Tomasello 1992 suggested most children's slot and frame patterns are based around particular verbs eg cut (thing cut) - finger paper ect
        • He called these verb islands
          • Showed this on a study of his daughters using a diary writing down all her utterances that used a verb. he found the verb cut was always used infront of the thing being cut never cutter first
            • shows child creating slot and frame pattern around the verb - verb is always frame
          • Pine, Lieven et al found 'islands' for other elemens eg pine&lieven 1993 - nounds/pronouns - Lieven et al 2001 - morphological markers, Pine lieven& Rowland -negated modal chunks
            • Tomasello argues variables in schemas are functional not formal - corresponds to functional class - what you can do with object
      • they form these slot and frames on the basis of hearing repeated instances of highly similar utterances
    • What factors effect schema learning?
      • input frequency
        • quickly learn 'im X-ing it' because they hear it a lot, do not learn X was verbed by Y as they don't hear things like this often
        • Faulkner et al - children whose mum say theres a noun more often than that's a noun - child is likely to learn the one their mum uses
      • Communicative function
        • Whst children can do with their language and useful it is to thm
          • I'm Xing it / want-x- is more useful than other phrases
        • But how do childrengo from small concrete, specific phrases to adult constructions? this is slightly neglected
      • Analogy
        • How can children analogize across schemasutterancess that have nothing in common
          • they have similar relational structure so child can do feature mapping
            • I kiss Mummy and Daddy threw the bal both follow the pattern: agent-action action-patientl
        • Markman&Genter - truck towing a car study and truck towing boat - best match? - majority chose boat
    • overall problems
      • why do some items become word islands and others don't?
        • no independent definition of what a schema/chunk/frame is
          • Rowland&pine - children made more mistakes ssaying why don't you -x the actual slot and frame pattern
            • cCant keep changing what the slot and frame pattern is


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