
  • Created by: m1laxx
  • Created on: 30-01-23 14:19
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  • UK Demographic Changes since 1945
    • Multi-cultural Families
      • 33% Of Asian families, mainly Sikhs and East African Asians live in extended multigenerational families.
      • Only 39% of British-born African Caribbean adults under the age of 60 are in a formal marriage, compared to 60% of white adults.
      • Asian children tend to respect religious and cultural traditions, and they feel a strong sense of duty to their families specifically elders. However, as Asian children become more in touch with British culture, there's much more likely to be conflict between generations in Asian households.
    • Factors Affecting the Size of a Country's Population
      • Death Rate
        • The number of deaths that happen per 100 people per year.
        • According to Tranter, the main reason for the decline in death rates from 1850- 1970 was because of a fall in the number of infectious diseases, caused by increase ventilation in social housing
        • The introduction of the NHS meant that maternity health services increased, better vaccinations and public knowledge on dietary requirements.
      • Migration
        • The Net Migration is the difference between the number of immigrants and the number of emigrants throughout the year.
        • Throughout the years 1900-1970, the most common immigrated culture is Indian and Commonwealth countries.
      • Birth Rate
        • The number of live births per 1000 of the population per year.
        • Birth rates have decreased in the prior years for a number of reasons: 1. Because childhood has become an economic liability and extremely expensive. 2. There's been an increase in healthcare and so a decrease in infant mortality rates, meaning people are having less children because thy know they will live. 3. The feminisation of the economy means more women are work-focused.
        • In 1901 there were 1,093,000 births, but in 2013, only 698,512 babies were born.
    • The dependency ratio is the relationship between the size of the working or productive part of the population and the size of the non-working or dependent part of the population.


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