Kinectic Theory

  • Created by: mollk
  • Created on: 10-02-14 16:53
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  • Kinetic Theory
    • Bonds Between Particles.
      • Bonds between particles are strongest in solids and weakest in gases.
      • Melting is when a solid change to a liquid. When the solid is heated, particles vibrate more vigorously. Bonds between particles break and reform so particles can change places.
      • Freezing is when a liquid cools and changes to a solid.
      • Boiling is when a liquid changes to a gas when the liquid is heated. The particles break their bonds and can move around randomly.
      • Condensing is when a gas cools and changes to a liquid.
    • What is a particle?
      • In solids, particles vibrate and are held together by strong bonds.
      • In liquids, particles move around each other but cannot escape due to weak bonds.
      • In gases, particles move randomly as the bonds are very weak.
      • The particles do not change as they change status, but they behave differently.
    • Conduction + Convection
      • Conduction is when energy transfers from particle to another through the solid.
      • if one part of a liquid or gas is warmed, the particles vibrate more taking up more space. the warm part of the gas or liquid expands, becoming less dense and rising above cooler denser parts. = convection.
    • Why are metals good conductors?
      • Electrons in metals are free to move rapidly from hotter to cooler regions, transferring energy.


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