Science Physics equations

  • Created by: Harvey334
  • Created on: 28-04-18 09:59
Weight (W)
M * G --- Mass * gravitational field strength
1 of 20
Work Done (W)
F * D --- Force * Distance
2 of 20
Force to a spring (F)
k * e --- Spring constant * extension
3 of 20
S * T --- speed * time
4 of 20
Acceleration (a)
△v / t --- Change in velocity / time
5 of 20
Resultant force/force (F)
M * A --- Mass * Acceleration
6 of 20
Momentum (P)
M * V --- Mass * Velocity
7 of 20
Kinectic Energy (KE)
1/2 * m * v² --- half * mass * velocity squared
8 of 20
Gravitational potential energy (GPE)
m * g * h --- mass * gravity * height
9 of 20
Power (p)
Energy transferred / time
10 of 20
Power (p)
Work done / time
11 of 20
Useful energy / total energy
12 of 20
Wave speed (v)
F * λ --- frequency * wavelength
13 of 20
Charge flow (Q)
I * t --- Current * time
14 of 20
Potential difference (V)
I * R --- Current * resistance
15 of 20
Power (P)
V * I --- Potential difference * current
16 of 20
Power (P)
I² * R --- Current squared * resistance
17 of 20
Energy transferred (E)
P * T --- Power * time
18 of 20
Energy transferred (E)
Q * V --- Charge * potential difference
19 of 20
Density (P)
M / V --- Mass / Volume
20 of 20

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Work Done (W)


F * D --- Force * Distance

Card 3


Force to a spring (F)


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4




Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Acceleration (a)


Preview of the front of card 5
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