Key Effects of the Continental System

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  • Key effects of the Continental System
    • Russia
      • By 1810 Russia were fed up of the system and reopened trade with Britain
        • Main trade was timber, which allowed Britain to continue building ships to maintain its naval power
      • Napoleon knew that if Russia left the system then the rest would follow suit and the system would collapse
      • Invaded by France's biggest ever army - 600,000 - in 1812
        • Fewer than 10% returned
      • Expected to sue for peace, instead destroyed France, lost its territories, Napoleon eventually forced to abdicate
    • Effects on USA
      • Embargo Act 1807 enforced to economically damaged Britain after Chesapeake incident
        • Proved more damaging to American merchants
    • Spain and Portugal
      • In 1808, Napoleon attempted to enforce the blockade in Spain and tried to replace the King with his brother Jospeh
        • Spain was liberated in 1814, after draining France of men, money, morale, and prestige
      • Napoleon invaded Portugal as they refused to join the system, a major cause of Peninsular War
        • Led to Napoleon fighting on two fronts in 1812-14
        • Signed a mutual assistance agreement with Britain in 1793
    • Effects on Britain
      • France's lack of sea power hampered effectiveness of the system - Britain had a much stronger navy
      • Majority of Europe were happy to side with Napoleon because they were envious of Britain's economic power
      • Britain retaliated, creating a blockade of European ships - severely damaged internal European trade
      • Orders of Council 1807 banned their trade partners from trading with France
        • This was a cause of the Anglo-American War 1812
        • Britain traded with new markets in North and South America
      • Bad harvests meant the price of corn rose, leading to starvation for many
        • Didn't last long - Napoleon allowed European grain to be sold to Britain in return for gold as he needed it badly
    • Effects on France
      • Industries that relied on exports suffered
      • Trade routes along the Rhine and Alps opened new markets for the Empire and surrounding territories
      • Industries to seaport struggled, e.g. ship-building and rope-making
      • Stimulated manufacturing


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