Key Content: Complaints Policy

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  • Key Content: Complaints Policy
    • Gives service users an opportunity to voice concerns or inform managers about anything they are not happy with. This helps to ensure best practice as problems can be identified and addressed
    • Makes clients feel safe and that their opinion is valued. This is empowering for the client as they are being treated with respect. It also provides the service with a greater understanding of the service users needs
    • Empowers service users and their families as they know they have the right to complain if they feel their needs are not being properly met or if the standard of care they are receiving is not up to the standard expected
      • Providing service users with the opportunity to express their views may indeed help to raise the quality of care provision
    • Part of Quality Assurance. It provides a route for redress for the client if they are unhappy with the quality of service they have received. The information gained from the complaint can help improve future practice and prevent the same thing happening again
    • Requires the organisation to respond to issues raised. This ensures that complaints about care services are dealt with effectively and within an appropriate timescale and prevents poor quality care continuing in the setting


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